
I'd only just come to the conclusion that the two angels were modelled on Rodney and Del Boy Trotter from Only Fools and Horses so I'll be sad if there's no more Del Boy.

Yeah, that's totally canine attire. The cat would probably dress himself up like Remington Steele or Hercure Poirot

If you're friendly with someone, why WOULDN'T you give them your business?

What about African-Americans? I really doubt they would have been running around the midlands back in Medieval times. Same goes for Kevin CostnerI'm pretty sure he was born in the 1950's

Well, I'm not Han Chinese. My dads not either. im pretty sure my mum isn't so that just leaves my brothers Steve and Ho Jun-Lao.

I dont see why they are still harping on avout it either. The Primaries are over and he beat Ted Cruz quite soundly so there's no need to keep playing the 'not a Space reptile' card

As much as I want to like this show I can't get over the fact that it's supposed to be set in 1983 yet not a single character mentions Aberdeen Football Club beating Real Madrid to win the European Cup Winners Cup!

I'm a foreigner so I'm not really up on all the intricacies here but when it comes to humour are the Republicans supposed to be America's 'Germans'?

I think the Russians are fairly anti-Wagner

I never thought about it till now but maybe Neneh Cherry wasn't supposed to be pronounced 'nayna ' but rather Ne Ne as in <whilst holding="" thumb="" to="" nose="" and="" wiggling="" fingers=""> 'Ne ne ne-neh ne!'

And there in lies the reason why Hot Fuzz is the greatest cop film ever made (after Naked Gun)

Its definitely an HBO thing. I doubt we'll see JD 'Bodie' Williams again despite him playing an iconic HBO character in the past and you could easily argue that the only reason we saw Mickey Doyle in that role is because 'Last Week Tonight' has been on hiatus for the last few weeks and HBO need to keep their trusty


Glad I'm not the only one who instantly thought of those loveable rascals.

They did have mad pilled-up sex which is never a quick thing (even if it is only your second time. Hell, the randy little bugger would probably be ready for round two before he'd even have time to give the end a shake!)

If it was 11 when he left for the party then the timing for this show is well off.

A good indicator is the amount of people commenting on the regular Daily Show newswire articles who are from countries other than the US.

What the hell were penguins doing in Alaska?

Down voted because now I have that bloody song stuck in my head!

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