
David Icke and the Rosetta Stone

"Maybe it could be a live-action someday,”

Or the Grand Theft Auto V version: 'Bishop's WTF'

I was actually a bit thrown by Jon Snow's lauding as the King in the North as it buggered up my theory that the end game (in terms of Westeros politics) was going to be a reverse of the battle of the 5 Kings with it a battle of the 5 Queens.

Diane Kruger had horses on the back of her grey jacket

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Gay Rights were the primary reason behind the Cuban embargo - as opposed to all those other embargoes we've had on the many african, carribean and middle eastern countries who also hold the same 'progressive' and legally binding principles.

Cuba's had it's doors open to western tourists for decades! It was you lot who were still holding the grudge…

EU hostility to favourable trading with the U.K is not born out of spite, it's a clear necessity for the EU to survive.

Whilst the Brexit nobs definitely exploited the refugee issue and wider post-9/11 and 7/7 anti-Muslim paranoia the bigger scapegoat was the massive influx of Eastern Europeans (particularly Polish) after the EU expanded.

See, this is a perfect example about why everyone in the US who is complacent about a Trump nomination, needs to wake up and smell the shit sandwich.

And not to let a poor taste gag escape unnoticed, Australia not only named an iconic swimming pool after him, they also gave his name to a joint Australian/US communications base in the North West that was built to communicate with submarines!

It reminded me of A Touch Of Cloth's parkour chase scene that's soundtracked by a visible pack of hipster busking drum troupe.

They should have collaborated with Die Antwoord. I would pay to hear that.

They're certainly no 'James Blunt'

Don't forget The Mighty Ducks!

If you're not offering an actual accordion, how the f*** do you think you -or anyone you give your debatable advice to- will ever pick up?

I'm glad that Colbert has finally been shaken out of his shell. It probably won't make a difference but to see Colbert directly compare Trump to the Nazis (and also offer to leave a bag of flaming dog turds on his doorstep as a gift) was a much needed breath of fresh air as that sort of emotionally-backed yet savagely

So I'd like to hear more about this Deez Nutz chap. He's been quiet of late and I think he may be our best hope

Well both of them conspired to smuggle those rabid dogs past Australian quarantine so they can both burn in hell as far as I'm concerned!

Err, Rosa Parks?
I know she was no heavyweight like Ali or JJ but apparently her left rip-left hook combo was the scourge of the flyweight division.