
He had a couple hours stopover at Prestwick Airport in Scotland whilst on his way to his posting inWrst Germany and the whole country lost their shit.

Warfare seems to be trending towards drone strikes and such and ESPN are showing packed-out arenas full of kids playing Starcraft.

You've never been to the UK then…

It might have be an age thing but Roy Rogers was a bit of a cultural icon even in the UK. I remember him being referenced heaps growing up - particularly in a little film called 'Die Hard'

Why does this show have to be on HBO? Everyone knows the best thing about Cleganebowl is the commercials

Going back to an earlier theory, maybe Jaqun Hip Hip H'rah really is Syrio and this is the conclusion of her training that begun back in S1? The Faceless Men might just be a means to an end?

Did anyone else misread that headline and get excited that John Waters was directing the new Spider-Man film?

As emotional as the ending was I really think they missed a beat by not following up Hodor's first uttering of his eponymous catchphrase with somebody in the courtyard at Winterfell asking "What'chu talkin' about, Wylis!?"

The lead-up to that moment had the wights finding their way in to the secure area by the arboreal equivalent of air vents and then climbing along the walls and ceiling in a frenzied swarm.

See this is what happens when we're not allowed to hit our kids anymore. They start dictating the course of billion-dollar movie franchises

Godzilla is just a metaphor for Thatcher

Does this mean that the next big reveal is that Sansa and/or Arya had offshore banking accounts with the Iron Bank of Braavos

Sarcasm detectors are like smoke detectors. You need to check and change the batteries regularly!

It's short for Viggo but he's part of a different fantasy franchise

Upvoted because even in Australia we still have to occasionally sit through OSHA safety vids

Kevan's 'The Hand of the King'. They wouldn't kill off someone with such an important position!

Well at least we'll still have Marvel's Most Wanted…

seeing as shared universes are all the rage these days, I'd like to think that given the geographical location and the timeframe, one of her kids grows up to be Omar Little, Officer Carver or Slim Charles at the very least…

People forget that the USSR had also tecently turned their attentions on Japan and were on the verge of invading from the north. The Japanese knew from their best bro Germany's experience that Stalin had no reservation about taking casualties, nor that he would be anywhere near as reasonable in negotiations of

I can only presume it's because Fox already had him doing all the character modelling for Bob's Burgers