
And as if they hadn't suffered enough the place was constantly being invaded by Bob Geldof and Bono!

Who says it has to be a physical brawl? Why can't they settle their differences in a friendly game of backgammon, gin rummy or a good old-fashioned bake-off?

That's slander on the good name of Crystal Meth. Are you sure you're not a spokesperson for 'Big Crack'?

Where the hell were you? I'm scared to leave the house these days for fear someone will break in whilst I'm gone and turn it into yet another Micro-Brewery!

I think it's obvious to even the most half-witted that John Slattery's Stark is taller because he's always viewed through Tony Stark's eyes who projects his father to be both A: 'larger' than life (typical kid's hero worship) and B: A character from Mad Men (Stark does love a drink)

Also The Wire's Brother Mouzone

it really should have been words that rhyme with 'Cory'

Was anyone else a bit confused by Vision from 'Team Accountability'? He's supposed to be the most level-headed of them all but as soon as he sees Cap and Bucky running for the aircraft hanger during the big fight his first thought is to completely destroy a perfectly good (and expensive) control tower in an

If they're going to do a Black Widow movie can somebody please teach ScarJo how to fight, or get her a stunt double that at least looks like her (and isn't wearing such an obvious wig)

Better Cal Saul is Better!

I'll wager 400 quatloos on Loras Tyrrel.


Nobody's mentioned 'Married'?
Or is that because nobody really watched it. Shame really, it was great!

They already did along with the Aussies and they done took all the acting jerbs…

Short of scheduling demands I doubt there's anything DC could do to stop someone like Fishburne doing a Marvel show.
At this point in his career and with his standing in Hollywood, he's no doubt got an experienced agent who'd make sure that any 'exclusivity' clauses in the contract would come with a heavy price -

Not that I'd dream of telling you how to do your job Netflix/Marvel folks, but I'd just like to point out that there's an entire 'Banshee' production team currently at a loose end…

I'm not much for re-watching shows but I reckon I could put Cloth and Angie Tribeca on a continuous loop for the rest of my days and be quite content.

I'm not sure that F is supposed to be a total coincidence. There's the whole 'what happened in Kandahar' mystery which suggested to me that the gunfight was engineered by Ray and that Castle was the target the whole time.

Robocop (ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64) Purely for the original theme music

If we are casting a black Dr Strange, I happen to know of an African-American celebrated former-neurosurgeon who is both currently looking for work and who appears to have a great deal of experience in astral projection and communicating with other realms. Particularly during interviews, fundraising events and live