
Despite the lame railroading storyline and awful voicing of my character that just screams "you're a good guy!", I was determined to play him as the embodiment of evil (in the body of Stephen Colbert - He has one of the set hairstyles so the rest was easy)

Yadda yadda yadda 'lack of style, grumble, grumble, no color' grumble grumble.

New weapons designs, Weapons crafting, Power Armour available from the outset (with a neat handicap), colourful landscape

It reminded me of an early South Park episode when everyone resorted to cannibalism after being caught in a snowstorm for a couple of hours.

I'm no survivalist - I can barely look after myself in the real world- but even I know that if you've got lots of 'anything' pushing up against a barrier of questionable integrity, you would probably want regular inspections of said barrier to ensure any cracks or breaches are nipped in the bud.


I was surprised to see it on the album as she was pretty adamant about it being a throwaway track but I love the rebooted version she's done. The new bassline kicks arse.

But to be fair the President is a bit of an asshole. He once crashed a packed passenger jet just to free a corrupt South American dictator.

That's why the planet is so screwed up.

Actually, thanks to the drought, pretty much all of California resembles that planet. This episode was in fact filmed in the studio parking lot.

That's not too far-fetched. She's under house-arrest in a densely populated european city where 3G and 4G phones are in abundance and even the public transport has wi-fi.

I don't have anything quite as traumatic to contend with as terrigenesis yet the contents of my fruit bowl and some of the 'things' at the back of my fridge still remain unmoved despite the passing of months…

Does that mean that Quinn will stop killing targets and instead kidnap them using balloons in order to put them to work on an unnecessarily large oil rig and shoot them in the balls repeatedly with rubber bullets for shits and giggles whenever he makes a trip back to Mother Base?

Don't care. It's not a reprieve for 'Banshee'

B-? C'mon. I think the bigger picture needs to be looked at here and that's that Agents of Shield is no longer the wee little TV spin-off that is forced rely on it's biggest thrills being handed down to it by the MCU's bigger events. It's now the branch of the MCU that's just fired the first shot in the whole Phase 3

That reads perfectly in Jeremy Clarkson's voice:

Rocket League is more fun than a bag of greased ferrets!

His cameo is what makes it 'adult'

Tell that to John McClane

I think this is the sequel