
Yeah. I saw Return of the Jedi in the cinema when I was 5 and the ewoks were THE BEST THING IN THE UNIVERSE!

Eddie Izzard does that kind of thing all the time.

Having just watched the first two episodes, I've got to wonder if Australia's Nine Network are aware of this show as Netflix have taken the entire format of their 'Underbelly' series and transplanted it to South America and ramped up the budget and the violence.

<cough> China <cough> India. -

Its poor beeronomics for sure. His extra beers are going to get warm whilst he drinks the first whereas if he offers one to his new friend, the new guy will then be honor-bound to walk up to the bar and buy a pair of fresh cold ones when they're done with the first lot*

Whilst the 'closing the barn door after the horse has bolted argument' has merits you've just lost any respect with such a ludicrous comment.

Exceptionally well? I was a snotty-nosed brat into sci-fi, fantasy and horror who grew up in the UK during the 80's and I never saw Troll. Don't think any of my mates did either. But then maybe it was aimed at the single-mum market…

How about in Dawn of Justice they make Batman Mohammed for a bit of balance?

I was once looked up to see if National Security Adviser Susan Rice was sister to former Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice.

sort-of. Doesn't really elaborate more than already is mentioned in the review…

"For example, if Escobar wants Nick dead, why bother to send him on an errand, and (especially) why give him a loaded gun? Surely the thugs who are gonna kill Nick could also do the errand and murder the campesino, with no risk of one of

I can't get my car serviced these days without bits having to be sent off to all manner of different specialists for repair or replacement. How many skilled people do you think it takes to build and maintain a helicopter?

Cosmetic discrepancies on a show like the Lone Ranger are one thing - it was filmed half a century ago for a start- however in science fiction there has to be at least a little bit of 'Science' to go along with the fiction and if it's allegedly set in modern times you should probably make a little bit of it stick, or

An unmaintained wind turbine would last maybe 5 years tops - probably less - there are a lot of moving parts under a lot of varying forces. A nuclear reactor would go into meltdown within a few years if there's nobody around to keep it ticking over safely. Even solar would require the replacement of cells, maintenance

The ice cream is a lie and so is the cake!

So who looked after the helicopter for 2000 years? Have you ever seen the state of a roman chariot? How the hell does a chopper, with it's thousands of intricate moveable parts remain in flyable condition? where do they get the aviation fuel? Where did the power come from to keep them all in stasis for 2000 years? How

To many of us foreign types the confederate flag was something more associated with the likes of Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Dukes of Hazzard. Primal Scream used it on the cover of their 'Give Out But Don't Give Up' and they're practically Marxist in their politics!

Ever since I watched Trainspotting as a young lad, I just cant get enough of that 'Heroin' stuff. It's very more-ish.

It could be like that Bob Dylan film where there were like 8 Bob Dylans.

Leftfield's 'Leftism' was also released and that's a damn classic!

You've certainly got the time to add your 2 cents into almost every post on here…