
Yeah. Use that 'it's just imaginary' stance in regards to scenes of sexual assault around here and see where that gets you! ;-p

Nah, not buying it. Whilst there might be variations from your classic Romero types or your traditional voodoo dudes, the only thing that GOTs wights have in common with the established benchmarks are that they are 'undead' which is a state of mortality that they also share with Vampires, Frankenstein's Monster, The

Can we please stop referring to the wights as 'zombies'? They're running around like Sonic the Hedgehog on meth and swinging swords like they're just itching to get shot by Indiana Jones. They're the least zombie-like undead I've ever seen. Hell, Dracula has shown more zombie-esque attributes in the past.

Are even you watching the same show?

Why!? Why goddamn you!? Why am I hearing about State of Bloody Origin on here!? It's bad enough copping it at work from all the NSW-QLD blow-ins but I thought AVClub of all places would be free from your Povvo-Rugby chit-chat.
Seriously, noone else in Australia cares - much less the rest of the world!

That seems very negative. Given the presence of Patton Oswalt in the cast surely you should be championing Marvel's embracing of diversity enough to have a fellow troll in the mix.

We've all seen through your self-deprecating asterisk. It's just a thinly-Veiled attempt to Curry favour

For me it's beer first THEN Ice cream.

I know ever since Game of Thrones 'Red Wedding' TV shows have been pushing the boundaries further and further in the name of gratuitous shock value but Agent Gaad's brutal assault on Mail Robot took things too far.

I want to see a remake of 3 Men and a Baby with Wynn Duffy, Douchebag Ray from The Bridge and Saul Goodman in the principal roles. Admittedly they are probably all going to be playing Tom Selleck but if it takes off it'll do wonders for my small business that sells Hawaiian Shirts and coral/beaded necklaces.

If Party Down and Parks and Rec exist in the same shared universe as Justified (which as far as I'm concerned, they do) then Loretta's mum is a former catering staff member turned psychotic librarian.

Not to put a downer on things but comedian Frankie Boyle once said that Batman with it's wealth of insanely colourful characters is just a delirious revenge fantasy concocted by a little boy dying in an alley.

Top episode. Loved the hand-wringing about what they are going to call these new people with powers (for f***s sake don't mention the 'M' word!)

I like the idea of the show ending with the Jennings surviving long enough to witness the collapse of the Soviet Union them embracing their new-found freedom / unemployment. If only because we can have them watching classic Baywatch episodes in the background.

Well, it's been said in the past that this show has a 'revolving door' policy for black dudes but I never thought they would make it so literal!

They are on an island so get them all to stand on the beach. They should all leave footprints of an identical depth in the sand with the exception of the lighter/heavier one.

Kavinsky did a great one for Outrun! Now I'm just waiting for the movie to come out…

Fair point. If he can't hack it as a cop maybe he'll be the next Mr Prezbo!

Yeah but he was adopted by Bunny Colvin who is natural police so that's bound to rub off on him.

I thought the intention of the writers was to show the cyclical nature of the hood in that Dukie was going to become the next Bubs, Michael the next Omar and Namon, I'm not really sure. Possibly the next Carver?