
Because it suppresses the minority vote, in that minorities are statistically less likely to possess the kind of photo IDs required. For instance, if you live in an urban area or are too poor to afford a car, you likely don’t have a driver’s license.

In person voter fraud is also exceedingly rare. Think about how

You provide your ID or proof of residency when you register. Then when you get to the polls you just give them your name and sign a piece of paper and they hand you your ballot. The voter ID is an additional, intrusive step into the process, making it harder to vote when we should be making it easier.

Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?

The cropping is the best part, it says”Im being dishonest”, but the missed details say “Im incompetent”.

Trump thought that was a Russian flag so he left it in.

When your crazy, bitter, thrice-divorced, alcoholic uncle’s Facebook rants are more compelling than your comic strip, it might be time to find another line of work.

Family Circus and Marmaduke are two of the worst things in human history, non-murder/war division.

And if you don't have bedbugs, you also have the start of a very nice Sourdough starter.