Greg the Drunk

“We appreciate your interest in working at our Day Care center. We’ll let you know sometime this week with our decision, Mr. Duggar”.

Can’t see the forest for the trees.

Stahhhppp... you tease.

Ahh, the 90s. I love it.

InTouch’s editor, David Perel, told Jezebel that the piece “was never supposed to be posted and went up by mistake,” clarifying that they haven’t been threatened with legal action from Dempsey, but that it’s merely their editorial strategy to hold some magazine stories from online publication.

Yes, just be sure that you let them know they're being recorded and ask for their consent, otherwise they'll sue the fuck out of you (and win).

Man, and here I’ve been praying for stupid things, like not losing a friend to cancer, or not get fired from my job- all I had to do was pray for a diamond. Boy, is my face red.

Has anyone tried using other strange items like this, with now the heirloom in their inventory? Like for instance, proposing to Analise now with the heirloom with you?

Here’s another layer of intrigue. His cat’s name is “Emmy”.

Ah, typical misunderstanding. That’s so us!

“Do you know who I am?”

No, I mean I was more wondering if that was a real Emmy. No cynicism intended (hard to believe on the Internet, I know).

Nice Emmy..?

He’s clearly got the back of the pacifier in his mouth. De-stress your breasts, world.

This article should be renamed “Schizophrenia For Beginners”.