
Wasn’t his fan script, was written by a different fellow.

ALL panthers matter.

What strikes me as odd is how Megan Kelly tried to say blackface was okay when she was a kid. She is one year younger than me and I can say - at no point in my life, childhood to maturity, has blackface ever been acceptable.

Will they interrupt the awards show every 15 minutes to tell us about how great Blue Apron or Casper is?

I can imagine that he doesn’t ever want to feel like he did that day. 

Ashley.........thank you

I’m annoyed by how many of you didn’t understand the clear reference to “Sk8r Boi” in the hed...

It could be worse.

It was nice to see that despite not remembering (again) anything about him Eleanor, as always, sees right through Michael’s lies.

It was nice to see that despite not remembering (again) anything about him Eleanor, as always, sees right through Michael’s lies. Those were bad lies but people often believe in what they hear to avoid things that are against their belief systems. She doesn’t allow him to distract her or let an explanation pacify

I never could have expected this pull, but Janet’s recipe included in the manifesto is a direct reference to Mario Batali’s sexual harassment apology, which included a pizza dough cinnamon roll apology. The depths this show will dice for a good are breathtaking.

Professors of Moral Philosophy must have a lot of free time to work out.

I bet they rent it out for $10 a month and let people use it as much as they want.

When NBC took over and sent him packing, the show endured its worst ever era. I think that Lorne is a mixed bag. He creates an environment that forces some comedians to fight it to the top, and that’s produced some of the biggest and THE biggest names in comedy for the last 40+ years. Then again, that’s not the best

Image of them, parking at the gate

You really are just a disingenuous fucknut, aren’t you?

Now playing

All I want to see is a whole video in clips of Ice-T being shocked about things even though it’s his job to know about it.

I’m judging you.  Moron.

This is an excellent headline.

Well, at least we know where Cave Johnson was working in the 50s and 60s...