Greg Steinmayer

He ran around the block? When he first comes out the window, he passes the roof of a burned-out car, a phone pole with three yellow stripes, and the corner of a gray building. At the end, he is again in front of a burned-out car, a phone pole with three stripes, and the corner of a gray building!

I love the movie, but love the score more! Alfred Newman at his very best.

In the Tex Avery cartoon "The Magical Maestro" there is the bane of projectionists, a hair caught in the projector's shutter in the lower right corner of the screen - it wiggles and dances throught the middle portion of the cartoon until the onscreen character reaches down and plucks it out! I think THIS is the first

Jackie: "Don't yell in the pony's ear!" Immediately blows a horn in the pony's ear!

It tastes like vanilla and wool!

Hate it. I liked it before where I could see everything all at once at the same time. Now I gotta open multiple tabs, and I might miss something. Hate it hate it hate it.

One of the best things was the episode title puns (Underwater Moose or the Aqua-Lunk).  For a complete list, go here:…

Nobody picked up on it but during the "Me And My Arrow" flashback the animation style changed to that of the 1971 movie "The Point", from whence comes "Me And My Arrow". Clever, but wasted reference.

Nobody picked up on it but during the "Me And My Arrow" flashback the animation style changed to that of the 1971 movie "The Point", from whence comes "Me And My Arrow". Clever, but wasted reference.