
Now I have the Clutch Nixon theme from Far Cry running through my head.

Why is Optimus Prime’s laser axe chipped??

Actually, As long as it’s a GOOD movie (and she doesn’t say ridiculous things like “Woo! Girl Power!” or “Droid Lives Matter”) we really don’t care. What we object to are caricatures instead of characters; cardboard cut outs who’s only defining feature is whatever group they are supposed to represent. Give us movies

The USA spends about 16% of its Federal budget on defense. A much lower percentage than it spends on things like Medicaid and Social Security. This is ironic, considering defense is one of the few things government at the Federal level is constitutionally SUPPOSED to spend money on.

Solar conversion would seem to be the best option. Gasoline has always been a great way to store energy. It has a very high energy density compared to most batteries. Being able to make gasoline FROM solar power seems like the best of both worlds.

Funny how these tactics were perfectly acceptable when they were being used BY a certain group, but now that the same tactics are being used AGAINST that group, they’re all aflutter. hmmmm.

At least the colors are correct. That gives me hope that the turquoise suit we’ve seen is either an early version, or a placeholder for CGI effects. (Not that I’m super excited about the possibility of a CGI suit, but AT LEAST it might be the right color!)

Heroic Hollywood reports Birds of Prey aims to begin production next year with an “all-female crew.”

There’s also a scene inside a strip club so they could give Stan Lee a pervy DJ cameo.

Why do they still let Paul WS Anderson anywhere NEAR the set of a Video Game adaptation movie? I suppose with a low enough budget that even the garbage he turns out can make a profit. *sigh*

Armed with this internal map, SpotMini was able to autonomously walk through the facility, and even climb and ascend a set of stairs.

This needs more stars. Here, take mine.

That’s awesome. (and I can only laugh at it because I know Marvel WON’T do it).

Yeah, Along with the twin disappointments of BB not being Green and Starfire not being orange, that outfit (And Raven’s look) really lower my expectations for this show. On the other hand, BB’s costume looks pretty good. Maybe they’ll surprise us yet. If not, well, there’s always the rumors of Tean Titan’s returning

He didn’t kill the guy at the end. He just removed the magic from him, which put him back into his crippled state.

Kinda looks like the same one.

Why does Robot sound like an old school Cylon? I am now very afraid. *hides under the covers*

M’Baku was my favorite character. Also, he had a bad ass throne room.

Pissed off Florida teens would be better off venting their ire upon the FBI, who had been told REPEATEDLY that this idiot was a threat; and yet did nothing.

What are the odds of finding another disk floating in space alongside all of those freakish spheres? Pretty slim. I’d say!