
Fun fact about those incredibly high casualty rates: 16 Millon Americans served in WWII. About 400K of them died. That’s a fatality rate of about 3%. In fact, our casualty rates have been so low since then that the government hasn’t used up all the surplus purple heart medals they ordered to cover the projected


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Let’s look at a little contrast. Shall we?

With a name like Yuri on Ice I was expecting female lovers. A bit too on the nose?

I don’t know, “Dream Projects” have a very hit or miss record. Look at Jackson’s King Kong, just for one example. He was so high up after Lord of the Rings that no one wanted to rein in his excesses with his dream project.

IKR? Watch the first 15 mins or so of “From Dusk til Dawn” When he’s in full on bad guy mode. That’s my Clooney Batman right there.

In fairness, you can’t really blame the horrible performances from Batman & Robin on the actors. There were some great actors in that movie who were being given direction by an insane person who thought he was making an episode of the 1960's Batman TV show.

I’m thinking that the guy from the weapon test shot is most likely The Shocker. Note the patterning on the arms of his jacket. That kind of thing doesn’t happen by accident in Marvel movies.

Usually the craziest ideas on this show tend to be the ones that the ideas sort of linger, and we never really quite set on them. Like, ‘Oh, maybe we’ll kill off Tommy?’ We don’t fully commit until we’re pretty much breaking the episode.

Actually, Barry was also fixing a time aberration since Reverse Flash traveled back in time to kill Barry’s mom and change the future. I’ve just decided to put my fingers in my ears and go “LA LA LA LA LA LA” whenever any of the CW shows discuss the effects of time travel.

So, this is the Destiny of animated series? I don’t even have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain why this is funny.

Argh, this show pisses me off. The entire first season is an altered timeline because the Reverse Flash went back in time to kill Barry’s mother. The only thing “Flaspoint” should have done was reset the universe back to the original timeline from before The Flash series started. Barry wasn’t breaking the time line.

Doors are ALWAYS the weakness in any fortification, but you have to have them.

Just send a nickle to my Paypal account every time you use it. Easy licensing terms!

You’ll have to forgive them. They’re all still Trumpshocked (tm) I expect this condition to last for the next four years, at least.

Yeah, Starship Troopers is anything but fascistic. Everything in it boils down to personal choice, and whether or not to choose to pay the costs those choices require. This is why the antagonists are the epitome of perfect communism, a hive society.

A minute of rage? How preciously 1984 of you.

No. No. It’s heroes “v” aliens. Can’t use “vs” anymore in the DC universe. (Though you’d think they’d want to distance themselves as much as possible from “Batman v Superman” *shrugs*)

Hail AND damaging winds. Pardon me while I go put my car in the garage.