
Those of us who live here enjoy it quite a bit that we don't have to put up with out of state A-holes zipping through at 90 miles per hour.

You don't have to transport the hydrogen. We already transport water and electricity all over the country. Any fueling station could take those two and create the hydrogen on the spot. They could also just use solar panels right there at the station to generate the electricity needed to convert water to H and O2

Only, for a lot of people in South America it's not an irrational fear. Kidnapping is a very popular crime down there.

"I'm BatTron"

I wanted EVE to be MMORPG Elite

This is why stores in 'Merica have concrete filled steel pipes embedded in the walkways out front. Related observation: I hope that by some miracle the baby in that stroller survived.

They make small, floor sitting pedal machines. It's just the pedals and a resistance mechanism on a wide base. I have one sitting under my computer desk at home. I rest my feet on it and then I pedal for a few minutes at regular intervals. I've had it for a while, so I don't remember where I picked it up. I know

I am the Cumquat Hagen Daz ;)

These are scenes from when we first meet them. Neither she nor her brother are really in 'costume' at this point. She's wearing what she probably wears on a daily basis. Quicksilver looks like he's wearing some sort of cycling outfit. This makes sense as an off the shelf sort of purchase for a person who can move at

For all those in the comments bitching about CO2 please take note. The pollution in these pictures is from particulate matter in the air. It is soot. It comes from the incomplete combustion of materials. It has NOTHING to do with CO2 or global warming, so please shut the hell up. Thank you.

Lawrence needs to get out from behind the desk and get back out into the field. He's packed on a few post-Matrix pounds.

Three movies? Three?? Why, God? Why?

It sort of became the poster child for political correctness gone awry when they re-released it and digitally removed every single firearm from the government agents.

Yeah, those were the later Dire-Wraiths. The originals were just sort of amorphous shadows that could take on the forms of other things. They had some sort of Dire-Wraith civil war to explain the changeover. I think the nastier ones were the females. (Go figure).

I think what he means is they need a sign about a quarter mile back or so that hangs from chains or something. When the too high truck hits it, the person driving will KNOW that they can't get under the bridge safely. This is less damaging to both the sign and the truck involved. They have similar installations in

Just think of the CO2 as a battery that helps store the energy from the Solar/Wind power plants.

Of course we haven't heard from them in a decade. They've been busy making all those reflection panels for the SHIELD hellicarrier. Duh!

Where can I get the Tony Stark chest piece display and tape that under my shirt?

I wish they'd strap a few ion thrusters to this baby and send it off to orbit the moon or Mars for a while. It's a space ship just waiting for some engines already!

I'm betting it'll be more along the lines of some general or senator referring to Rhodes in the suit as "our Iron Patriot" or something. They've done it before "We're Iron Mongers, Tony" and "You want to be a War Machine?" I doubt it'll have much bearing on the villain of the same name. Still, they need to call the