Greg Saunders

Has anyone noticed that the food on airplanes is terrible? Oh, you have? Well, if you tweet about it, I'm going to sue you.

Great job getting tricked into posting a commercial.

I misread this title as "The Frogger" and was excited for a moment about the possibility of Travolta making a thriller about trying to cross the street.

My favorite thing about Guru-Murthy’s interviews is how he asks trite, already-answered questions and acts like he's a journalistic hero for doing so.

You forgot "Yo Gabba Gabba", the coolest kids show in the world.

Best to go backwards, no forwards if you're looking for more gems. The Gay Parade and Cherry Peel are also great.

I hear they're going to get Chris Pratt to star in a guy-oriented Blob remake to flesh out the Blob cinematic universe.

So Cosby making rape jokes in his standup act is obviously ghoulish, but how fucking great would it be if he spent these last few years just going full-on Rudy Ray Moore/Red Foxx with his stand-up?

Pet Shop Boys - "It's A Sin"

Anything from the Rocky Horror Picture Show

Tracy Ullman - "They Don't Know"

"I’ll tweet you a recipe for seven-layer dip that I found on Yahoo! Answers"

I can't wait for everyone to hate Fox for not picking up this pilot without actually seeing it.

"Bob was a dead man (miss him miss him)"

"And while the thought of sitting through 45 minutes of fighting may be enough to steer potential viewers away…"

Sorry, Crouching Tiger, but I think Sin City has already cornered the market in disappointing sequels that are ten years late to movies that are overrated (in retrospect).

"He went on to say that his hero of choice would be Black Panther—not out of childhood nostalgia but because 'I would definitely bring that quintessential New York City edge.'"

I know it's been two weeks and commenting here is like shouting in an empty room, but I cannot shake this horrible recap. The stoning death of Gladys is probably the most upsetting act of violence I've ever seen on a television show. It was so visceral and raw. You could see the pain with every strike. And as blood

He's playing Stan Lee.

I like this band name better when it was a Kim Shattuck/Lisa Marr side-project.