
I cannot help but chuckle that “lots of things to do” is positive, but “bloated length” is in the negative, those sort of two sides of the same coin I think.

That’s just a copy and paste of what the prosecution presented over the course of a half hour. There’s much more to the case than that.

Anyone who actually followed the trial or listened to the podcast Breakdown which went into detail about everything would probably not feel comfortable either. For chrissakes, even his wife testified on his behalf and she dumped him. What he made was a mistake and he was a shitty dude. Doesn’t mean he should go away

Lunar Rover brings back stick.

A field mouse, injured, cried out.

The horns always come through first.

Got my Valentine's Day card

That part mostly made me want bacon and champagne.

It was a good ending, nice to not have to hate Quentin anymore and Janet was clearly the star.