
Let’s build an electromagnetic catapult for a cannon, and a big supercomputer array to run it. Since we’re building all this on the moon, let’s use it as a penal colony. Have them grow grain hydroponically, using water from ice mined on the moon, for export to Earth using the catapult.

You spelled “finally a good reason to use Bing” in a really weird way.

I think we’re mocking the lifehacker article. This isn’t reddit, there’s supposed to be content here.

CRISPR, the New Tool that Edits DNA

this way you can also check your bag for free, because the overheads will be full.

Note: This won’t work well for open seating offered on SouthWest airline ... unless you enjoy a middle seat in the back.

From what it looks like in the picture, those are cobs with the corn sliced off. And the linked article has this as the first line: "We had scraped a dozen ears of corn for dinner."

The Haul

The Sat V rockets didn't so much "launch". They more just told Earth to "Fuck off!" as they brutalized their way into orbit.

"It's a powerful symbol of America's economic decline,"

The government is ok with hiring companies like Blackwater to fight their wars for them but we can't hire these talented people because they smoke marijuana.

I couldn't disagree with this article more. 99% of recruiters are pulling resumes off of and other services and making cold calls for job postings they've also pulled off a service and don't understand the qualifications for or have any relationship with the hiring company. They will never actually place you

Please email me at my Gmail account so we can continue this discussion. Or, if you feel more comfortable, I can give you my non-gmail account that is then pulled into my Gmail account as part of my settings.

There's always that terminally malcontent techie who won't touch a gmail account, an AOL account, and can't bypass an opportunity to type "Windoze" or make up some snarky BS about how awesome Linux is ...

Then there are successful professional IT people who adapt to user needs regardless of platform or provider, and

Uhhhh... Chris... your timing on boiling for the alcohol fuel stove is aggressively optimistic.

So a machine reads your email and then puts ads next your reading pane that are targeted to your interest based on the words and phrases you use....perfect i do not get ads about cosmetics and tampons...I get ads about movies, books, and politics.....sounds good to me! It's not like there is a human sitting there

do you check also google apps? I use my own domain - but it's still gmail and it still goes trough their servers. Just wandering if the number would even be higher

I wish MS would bring back the SPOT watch. It was my favorite watch. It gave enough info to be useful but still looked/performed like a normal watch.

The best tip that transformed me from an avowed and proud night-owl to a (much more productive) morning person (save for weekend hangovers!) was actually a Lifehacker tip re: getting an alarm clock that simulated sunshine (or at least light).