Not a single F was given. Americans don’t and never have cared about diesel. BMW had to give $5000 credits just to move them.
Not a single F was given. Americans don’t and never have cared about diesel. BMW had to give $5000 credits just to move them.
Let me see if I got this right: take the worst feature of a BMW, which is the electronic gremlin infested spartan interior; and marry it to the worst feature of American cars, which is cheap motors of dubious quality. This is a $7,000 car just like some old Chevy. Do you take it to an American repair shop or foreign…
It’s not complicated. Some congressperson probably put language in the war authorization that said the infrastructure needs to be done by US companies with US labor and US parts some of which are made in his/her district. What does it cost to air lift a gas station from the US to Afghanistan via Germany with hazard…
Engineering always has constraints. A supercar signifies that cost isn’t the constraint. The government defines what the parameters of the road car auto market is and that’s what produces innovation. It’s like the rules of a contest.
I figured Taravish would have found this flood title car on eBay by now with a convincing argument about how someone should pick it up for $130k and drop an LS7 in it.
Cool. Just get your permits from the city. Wait 60 days. Call the scaffolding company to wire up a whole city corner and make the sidewalks usable. Pay them out of pocket. Start your painting. Deal with the city inspector while they make sure you don’t spill any paint or chips and try not to get fined. Then get the…
Clothing in Pakistan is $0.40. Why do our personnel wear all of these expensive BDU’s? It’s not a great comparison...
You think blue collar people are ripping off rich people in San Francisco? Jesus man. You’d get crucified for talking like that out here. Are you PC BRO?
If you want the worst job in San Francisco, I will talk to my HOA about getting you the gig.
Why can’t US military contractors build a gas station in a war zone for under $500k is not even remotely a valid premise. They build the storage tanks in the USA. Then they fly them out to Germany for staging. Then they fly them into Kabul. Then they get loaded on some 1 MPG truck for a 500 mile ride at 50 km/h.…
How much does soil vapor extraction cost in Jalopland? $40 with a shovel and a day laborer, or $4 million with environmental professionals?
Excellent point. There are no terrorism concerns in Manhattan, particularly on billion dollar structures housing thousands of people.
I know, right. The constitution. We haven’t even congressionally declared war in any of these countries and here we are building top notch high security infrastructure.
But it’s just an office building right. $750 million is what it would cost to work in Trump Tower. How could it cost the same in Manhattan as it does in Baghdad? #jaloplogic
I can write Jalop headlines:
This is a > $200k job done right.…
Dealers be like “we changed your Macan Diesel order to a Macan GTS order”.