
In the scheme of what this thing (a seat) is supposed to do, that it should be expected to carry a 300lb adult is not really that unreasonable. If it has broken three times in a two year old car for this guy, when will the part fail for someone who is 25olbs? Or an athletic 200lbs? Hyundai won’t help shed their image

If only all criminals were this completely stupid.

Did Chris Brown just wake up to the reality that most people think he’s a fuckwit?

My god. They all look like they were fed paint chips. What the serious fuck are we in for?

I don’t believe for a second that they are going to change this. Hopefully they are doing this solely for viral buzz.

Five years? Pfffft...I won’t be holding my breath. They’ve only been teasing us with this since the 90s. They’ve seriously overthought this whole thing.

Deleting 3 Doors Down from my “songs by has-beens” playlist now.

When they produce this, then I’ll give a shit. Too many concepts with zero being produced.

I don’t know if they have improved over the past several years, but Polaroid was a broke and nearly worthless company. They make nothing, and have attempted to resuscitate the brand by leveraging it through licensing. So what they have now are a bunch of trinkets with their name on them.

This is either wickedly funny humor, or the most bizarre sponsorship ever.

Corollas are based on bulletproof last-century technology. That’s why they are so reliable. They have to grow up one day.

“Excellent demonstration of the one thing to really remember and stick to when you’re pulled over: be white.”

Maybe. But part of the novelty of owning a Tesla or any electric car is not having to pay to “fuel” it up. But for the occasion when you don’t time it right, and stay a little longer than expected, the penalty isn’t so outrageous that it’ll matter much.

Was Jesus white? From all of my years of Catholic school, I was taught that he was a middle eastern Jew. So more than likely, he was probably a shade or three darker than the pasty white guy that Megyn thinks he was. Oh, and by the way, Santa is a fictitious character made up for children. I’m not saying that a mall