Greg Phillips

I'm loving this season so far. It's gotten rather repetitive to see the Gallaghers meet new people, ruin those relationships, and end up where they started. From the past few seasons, I can't think of many characters who left a strong enough of an impression that I'd want to see them return. This episode really got me

I disagree, I really enjoyed the new Gallaghers and it's one of the 2 storylines I'm actually interested in (the other being what I'm assuming is Carl becoming a cop with Luther). I think the problem is that Frank doesn't have any new way of interacting with the original Gallaghers that isn't out of character. All

(1) I never said nor implied that Ice King is a villain in my previous comment. But you're completely out of your mind if you think a character who barely appears in half the episodes and who hasn't been significantly involved in a multi-parter since season 2 (when he was a villain) counts as a deuterotagonist. That,

What? She's important because she's from the past? Because that would apply to almost everyone in the Adventure Time universe. Because she froze herself? So what? Or because she's an antagonist? Like I previously stated, Adventure Time has enough villains and she's easily among the least interesting of the bunch even

Which is of course why Slime Princess is a main character now….

Which would be terrible. An episode about two characters who are only relevant because of their relation to the Ice King as opposed to something like Bandit Princess who is important because of what she did in her intro episode. In contrast, you have Betty who's sole motivation seems to be how she can't live without

Liked the episode; hated the character. Aside from the disappointment of her not being Evergreen, she isn't needed: the show has enough villains with the introduction of Bandit Princess and Ice King already has the Betty thing going on. She feels like a self-insert fanfic character and I dread the thought of seeing

As much as I liked getting some character from "Jenny", I really wish we could've gotten a story from Emory, especially since I think they could've gotten more mileage out of him being the one to help Evan pick a name.

I cannot be the only person who saw Bernadette's "points" about Sheldon to be horrible. Sheldon being difficult to work with is completely irrelevant as he has an undeniable claim to the project; whether Howard liked working with him or not, it's the only way for him to get in on it. Also, Howard has no leverage in

"It doesn't seem to have a story structure planned out like Steven Universe, or have that kind of manic energy like Regular Show."
As opposed to the first few seasons which totally had those….

The episode is BMO Lost.

How can we be sure that wasn't just a figment of BMO's imagination as well? How can we be sure of that in any BMO solo episode?

"it is because you make unwarranted personal attacks and we want to talk about cartoons" Oh yeah, you people totally just want to talk about cartoons… which is why the majority of the comments here consist of "Sava is wrong (PERIOD)" That's the problem that you're completely ignorant toward: there are dozens of people

You admit that there are assholes on your side, yet you don't leave this sort of shit for them…. Curious….
Further, I never wrote anything to suggest I thought a cult was out to get me; however, the fact that you only leave this sort of shit on people who disagree with the popular opinion, shows that YOU are out to get

Oh, this isn't a "who can be the biggest asshole" contest? That must be news to the legions of fanboys hurling insults at Sava for not constantly sucking the show's dick. Fact is, you don't care that people are being assholes, you care that someone is being an "asshole" to people who hold the same opinion as you.

Yep, you sure tried… by being condescending… and this is why you people are hopeless: you can't ever even accept the tiniest bit of the fault even when by the same "logic" you used earlier, you would be at fault. And let the record show that, no, you didn't try, at all.

"I'm annoyed because he didn't provide substantial justification for WHY he didn't love Stakes" And who decided that you had the power to dictate whether or not somebody's reasoning isn't "substantial justification" for anybody other than yourself? YOU didn't think he provided substantial justification. There's a

Yes, I do happen to like Adventure Time. Now, here're some questions for you:
You wrote, "you've shown up in the comments section for the Adventure Time reviews on this site exactly twice, and both times it was to accuse people who liked the episodes more than Sava did of being blind fanboys." Do you seriously not see

What? You have a problem with me misquoting you? Apparently you completely missed the part where you completely misquoted Sava and also added things he never wrote (not that your "quote" had anything he actually wrote to begin with). Typical fanboy selective memory…. I'd like to say that I expected more from you, but

"come on, Sava. Even this sum-up has bullshit like "They establish that vampirism=depression, but it's not ENOUGH actually-depression for me. They only bring it up at key moments in the story, instead of beating into my head constantly like good, subtle storytelling should." so fuck you, you should die, go kill