Greg Phillips

Ah yes, because you people are so closed-minded that you couldn't even handle people who think differently from you… as shown here with you instinctively talking shit about Sava just because he didn't affirm your opinions. After all, what point is there in reading a review besides seeing people say what you're

"I am getting sick of Sava's weird, weird perspective on the show" Oh no, someone who doesn't conform to what you've deemed as the only acceptable opinion of a cartoon, come on everybody, let's crucify Sava because he has enough integrity to criticize something he's clearly a fan of.

Bitch can't handle the truth, now the bitch is running away, cute….

Not to mention that you talked shit about me "saying "introverts = birth defects"", but then you just throw around "retarded" as an insult. Way to be a hypocrite, bitch.

Wow, way to ignore the part of my first comment where I wrote "Yep, that's right…" which suggests the idea originated with Tim, which it did as he associated a character defined by his birth defect with being introverted despite Neddy having had no experience others and reacted to them the same way Susan Strong

And you did so without knowing what that would entail, which is the entire point of having context.
A man posts a comment saying "Jews suck"
Another posts "Yeah, Christians rule"
The final person posts "ikr" to the second without reading the first.

Considering how the people here are still immature bitches who lash out at the smallest hint of disagreement, no. It seems the people who write articles here are the ones who do so for a reason and that reason is they aren't nearly as closed-minded.

You agreed with something without reading the entirety of it nor thinking about the things it would imply. Comment or Contract?

No, it was weak for the same reasons Betty was weak:
It had potential starting out, but relied too heavily on the big reveal and had to resort to an anticlimactic ending.

And I supposed you sign contracts without reading the fine print as well….

Wow… you actually don't understand context….

Wow, did you even bother to read the preceding comments to that one? It seems as if you didn't.

Wow, had I seen this comment first, I wouldn't have even seriously responded to your other one. Besides where I disagree with you was apparent from my first two comments.

The "message" had nothing to do with introverts. At no point was anybody trying to get Neddy to interact with people; and if there must be a message, Sava's second one was much closer to it as everybody did want Neddy locked up.

You seem to be forgetting the part where you showed a failure to understand the context of the comments on this thread, so those questions were quite valid.

Yep, unlike wrestling fans who are actually willing to consider unpopular opinions, the AT fanbase seems to be quite closed-minded and rather insecure in their mindsets as even the slightest bit of disagreement needs to be extinguished.

Wow, talking shit about other fanbases I happen to belong to… nice…. And considering the people here still can't grasp the answer "no", I was probably giving you too much credit.

Instead of actually asking opinions, you gave two options that were both shit and weren't even mutually exclusive.

My questions have been yes/no which is a binary; and they are meant to serve the purpose of suggesting a possibility that was raised based on everybody's comments.

And you're still missing the part where that is a false dichotomy…
You also seem to be missing the part where that was one of the messages, and a pretty undeniable one at that as Neddy being locked up was the only thing everything agreed with.
Now once again, answer my question: are you a murderer or did your father