I never said anyone couldn't read. It was a question. Do you know how questions work? <- see there's another example of a question. And considering he agreed with a comment and then acted as if he didn't, it was a very legitimate question.
I never said anyone couldn't read. It was a question. Do you know how questions work? <- see there's another example of a question. And considering he agreed with a comment and then acted as if he didn't, it was a very legitimate question.
The comment was about how I didn't appreciate Li'l Tim's assumption that I was offended by the episode simply because I held a different opinion than him. You then agreed with that comment. Seriously, do you have a reading problem?
And if you look at the context, you would realize that it was in agreement to something that was talking shit to me…. Or would you prefer it if I treated you as a person who can't properly read?
Aww, I disagree with the popular opinion, so it's okay to talk shit to me even though I remain one of the few people here who haven't judged others based on subjectivity; note my use of non-definite words and questions rather than accusations save for the obvious example of false dichotomies.
I would care had one of the options not been an assumption based on nothing more than me disagreeing with him.
To quote you: "You didn't answer my question. I am sensing hostility."
Question: Are you a murderer or are did your dad beat you as a kid?
Sorry bud, answer my question: are you a murderer or are did your dad beat you as a kid? After all, it was you who suggested that I couldn't say anything else unless I answered your false dichotomy. Or does that rule only apply to people who don't blindly agree to you?
And? Were Finn and Jake against keeping him secluded from others? Was anyone? You do understand that "question" has more than one meaning, right? Or could you not tell the context by the obvious connection with "challenge"? Or are you just "offended" by what I wrote, because according to Timmy, that automatically…
Yes, the episode in which nothing was being questioned or challenged had the most explicit message… right….
You do realize that shows aren't entirely "messages", right? That's kind of the entire point of having visuals and jokes and everything about them.
And so is "your mother is a dirty prostitute."
See how that works? Everything's a message, making people who needlessly assign messages to shows utterly useless. If you couldn't tell that the "message" was little more than an afterthought in this episode, you probable missed… well, the entire thing since at no point…
Oh yeah, just like how GI Joe clearly always had a moral….
And you fanboys obviously never look too desperately into things… And if you disagree with me "you're wrong."
Why should I answer a question that's nothing more than a false dichotomy? Let me do the same to you: are you a murderer or did your dad beat you as a child? By the way, I totally care that the person who accused me of finding something "offensive" simply being I disagreed with him is "sensing hostility"….
Or maybe, you know, this episode was nothing more than a convenient way to introduce Neddy?
Wow, good to see that one of the go-to defenses you have is saying that people who disagree with you found the thing you're defending "offensive" even though neither me nor Sava suggested anything of the such.
Of course Neddy actually being a necessary part of the Candy Kingdom had nothing to do with the message; let's…
And obviously, civilization would collapse without people working from home….
You do realize that Neddy was an integral part of the Candy Kingdom, right? His role in society is circulating the "water". And as much as you (it's a pretty safe assumption that you are an introvert and just want the "message" to be something positive about you even when it clearly isn't) want to say introverts…
Yep, that's right introverts = birth defects….
The episode feels very similar to Betty:
Starts out well with a ton of potential, but then relies too much on the big reveal and leaves the ending to be rather anticlimactic.
Good news for you then, since it seems Adventure Time likes write off characters once their big arc is over or their big secret is revealed (Flame Princess, Magic Man, and Martin). I actually hope that's the case here since it would free up a ton of screen time for newer characters like Prismo or Jake's kids.