Dice the Gregsmith

time to start punching him below the belt.

yeah it was nasty and he wore that shit covered shirt for like 3 episodes.

so it sounds like I wouldn't have liked either finale. Ash becoming Kelly's dad is really, really dumb.

I'm annoyed that the red hand are wiped so quickly to no effect. Warren gets a small army and it doesn't last.

also I find it funny the show basically flipped Earth 2 and Earth 3

I really would have preferred if it just been a straight up fight for several minutes. what we got of them fighting was cool but basically the episode went off the rails as soon as the second zoom showed up.

ok I write this not having watched Agents of shield tonight. This episode's ending made me go "holy ****" whereas the stupid "who will die" crap is gonna have me being like "is it them" the entire episode. much better handling here.

god this show is getting hard to watch. You want to cheer Jimmy to be a better person but you know where he ends up. Further Chuck and Kim aren't in his life anymore in BB. He's going to burn those bridges and it's gonna be nasty. I almost wish this show were just about Mike.