6 POUNDS OF LASAGNA. More than enough to kill anything that moves
6 POUNDS OF LASAGNA. More than enough to kill anything that moves
I just finished Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright so I'm thinking of going ahead and finally going back to play Xenoblade til Destiny comes out and consumes my soul
That's fine because my dad used to smoke with me while telling me not to smoke!
I'm so glad he did this, because as someone who maybe have had a crush on him since the age of 14, he's always been the guy to see when he's done something wrong and work to make amends for it which makes him one of my favorite celebrities.
I was getting some serious flirtation vibes. Season 3 has definitely been the redeeming season of a B grade average show, but I dunno if an affair melodrama would be the right way to go from here
Oh just so you know, there IS a next gen Avatar gaming coming, it's being produced by Platinum Games a character action specialist and it looks absolutely fantastic