
He's a dumbass who walked away from $250 million dollars - the largest contract in TV history.

So, it's their fault that his dumb stubborn ass walked away from a quarter of a billion dollars?

So, Chapelle invented Black comedy?

I really can't even with this idea that the way to fight racism is to make individual White people feel uncomfortable - which supposedly leads to empathy and them becoming "woke".


His record as a congressman and a senator, and his involvement in Civil Rights protests back in the day

He was born in Brooklyn, went to college in Chicago and spent much of his 20s marching for Black human rights, in Chicago and the South - so he's not really a "stranger" to us

Bill Clinton gave out a lot of patronage money and jobs to Black "leaders" - and those pastors and politicians see a second coming of the gravy train with his wife - that's why they want you to support her, despite her White supremacy

Hillary has brought and paid for her support from Black "leaders" - and they expect a lot of contracts and patronage jobs in return once she gets into office

So, we have an anti racist candidate who wants to do something about poverty, mass incarceration and endless wars….and that's a BAD thing?

Damon Wayans can go to hell - I'm never going to support any projects by him or his family

My read on this dude was that he's on the downlow.

He had a child with a Black woman….and he embraces the flag of the KKK

I LOVED this episode.