
It had to be money for more episodes. Lynch likes to tell his stories with a certain pace that doesn't appear on the page.

Showtime tacked on another 10 episodes? There was a budgetary dispute, and we don't really know what it had to do with, last I checked. If anything, though, it was about Lynch needing more time to tell this story, which requires money. That makes the most sense. It's amazing that I've only seen people who see the slow

Part 5 didn't end in the road house and included a similar fake out. Technically, part 1 also didn't end in the road house.

I'm on your side but Dern was nude plenty in Wild at Heart, fyi.

Paranormal Activity is 2009. Cloverfield came first in 2008.

Just an observation: I think any reviewer who thinks Burn the Witch is arguably this album's greatest track would probably give this album only a B. It's a good opener, but so many more patient songs strike a deeper chord. Of just the more upbeat songs on the album (Ful Stop and Identikit), I'd already rank Burn the

Just curious as to why this episode didn't warrant the full A letter grade as the last few had…


Sorry, I'm a big supporter. I'm with Scott Foundas on this one. That moment with the boy singing kicks off a great sequence that lasts until the end of the movie. Very powerful.

To defend The Dark Knight Rises scene referenced in the Man of Steel blurb: There was actually a darkly funny moment ("what a lovely, lovely voice") while the boy was singing. That makes it far less pompous than you're remembering. Agree about Man of Steel though. It's bad.