
To be fair, I got selectively booed at Cannes, too. But that might have been because I double dipped in the salsa.

The further we get beyond Twilight, the more I firmly believe Kristen Stewart chose to play Bella as blankly as possible.

Hey, remember all the hysterical tantrums because Obama very occasionally took a vacation? All those people are going to be furious and outraged about this, right? Right?

Yes! Call them by their names! We need more people who are unwilling to be vague or talk around the problem: White supremacy. White nationalism. Bigotry. Homophobia. Islamophobia. Religious discrimination.

Democrats can’t allow Trump to fill a Supreme Court vacancy during the last year of his presidency.

What are the odds that he could name five more black people, living or deceased?

I have literally decided Trump is a greater threat to America than Osama bin Laden ever was.

La La Land just encompasses the overwhelming mediocrity we’ve been mired in lately, doesn’t it?

The SNL skit on it with Aziz Ansari was kinda funny.

I am convinced the Academy members are just super jealous of Deadpool’s success.

Okay so only explanation for the complete snub of Amy Adams in Arrival is because her votes were split between Nocturnal Animals and Arrival, right? Because I will not stand for this if they just didn’t vote for her.

Oh daaaamn.

The biggest reason, I believe, is that Trump is actually underwater. His Scottish golf courses lose money every year, and he owes at least $1.8 billion dollars to foreign banks. The speculation is that he would lose everything he has and still owe money. Really, that’s why he ran for President - he needed the

It’s not like Trump’s fucked up genes could be at fault or anything!

So, basically, Barron is autistic. Right?

Mahershala Ali has been KILLING IT recently between House of Cards, Luke Cage and now Moonlight. He’s fantastic and I like to see that celebrated.

He literally said her father wasn’t a war hero because he was captured.

Against their wills, apparently: