
Well said.

If you ever hear another Republican, MAGAt, Evangelical, or any other worthless turd mention the Rule of Law....shove a lethal cocktail of Adderall, the Mueller Report, and Flint water down both sides of their fucking gaping shit filled mouths.


Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America. Think about that for a second.

Don’t even get me started on the first family...biggest welfare queens in the city. Still haven’t set foot in their new arena...and never will.

The marketing people always know what’s best. It’s hilarious watching them try and figure out why no one gives a shit anymore. This season was the first year since 1980 that I didn’t attend a single game for my home team. I had full or partial season tickets for 12 years during that time period...and when I didn’t...I

Yeah...never know what voters will do. Evangelicals would certainly transfer their votes to someone like Pence...but I don’t see the inflammatory portion of the base like the Proud Boys, Bikers for Trump, etc getting fired up to back up someone like Mitt Romney or whoever else would run. The MAGA crowd is a cult of

It would be good. The Republicans don’t have a candidate to run outside of Trump in 2020. The Bernie Bros couldn’t event fuck this one up if Trump were 6 feet under.

What kills me is there are so many people who identify with the BILLIONAIRES in the billionaires vs. everyone else scenario.

If you don’t even have a 6 month rainy day fund, the fuck you doing with a $70k car? I suspect a lot of people are like this.

I remember congratulating people when they got a new car. Now I just look at them and feel bad for their new 40K debt for the pleasure of commuting to and from work. No thanks. Enjoy the collapse!


Busy day = staring out the front window waiting for the mail man.

Shouldn’t you be saying a prayer and sitting down to supper?

Is anyone under the age of 50 even on Facebook in 2019?

It’s always nice to hear from George Conway!

Glaciers are currently moving faster than the courts...and Trump’s shitty golf cart.

Like I’ve said from the very beginning...he’s like a child in front of the class giving a report on a book he’s never read.

Trump may have lied under oath during the special counsel’s investigation.

I’ve been to the NPR Hooter’s on a dare. I see how Trump won the election. What an absolute cesspool of humanity.