Yep. It’s the close(d)-minded, overly-judgmental perspective (what ever that means) towards “your” fellow humans. GTFO with that bullshit. #bothsides
Yep. It’s the close(d)-minded, overly-judgmental perspective (what ever that means) towards “your” fellow humans. GTFO with that bullshit. #bothsides
A woman could never be President. They’re way too emotional.
“Once too close to call...we’re comfortable calling Fucknutsville for Donald Trump. That’s 3 Electoral Votes for Trump.”
I suspect it’ll end up being a $50 Kohl’s gift card recently discovered in an old birthday card found in his junk drawer.
About as well as that Trump tax cut is treating you. Rubes gonna rube.
Liddle’ Hands
I hope it’s one of the waitstaff with an iPhone in their apron. Overheard on the recording: (dishes clanking)
I’ll be honest...I was thinking La Quinta at first...but wasn’t sure if they had conference rooms.
Lewandowski reminds me of an instructor you get at some bullshit corporate training in a half empty ballroom at the Ramada.
Pardons for being good fascist bootlickers to avoid criminal prosecution.
You start duck walking these traitors through the streets of DC in shackles.
Second that
I feel like the WB is Dan Coates based on this document.
Now to be took 63 Million stupid people to make it happen.
Somwhere...Matt Whitaker is smiling....and sweating.
and the auto out-of-office replies by the hundreds....
Cheers! (I’m with him/her)
Pffffft. It’s just locker room talk, snowflakes!