Hi Jared!
Hi Jared!
Steve Doocey has had a “handful” of sex he didn’t pay for. Checks out.
Looks like he’s pulling the emergency cord from his Craftmatic bed. One can hope.
Only 60 more payments on that sweet truck!
Just call them “Fordtards” now. I am.
Kyle Long. Kinda like when you call a 400 pound guy “Tiny” or a red haired person “Bluey”.
Because these chodes entire identity is based on the college they went to for 4 to 5 years in their late teens/early 20's. I’ve watched it first hand with all the idiots I knew as a kid twisting themselves into pretzels to proudly slap on that MSU Spartan Green & White. How could you give another fucking dime of your…
Is this the same Mike Gundy who handed out phony 11-2 rings at the end of the 2016 season because he refused to acknowledge that he fucking lost at home to Central Michigan? Yep...the reporter is the jackass.
They somehow have come to the conclusion that the youth are incapable of having and forming, thoughts and opinions on their own.
Just a tad Orwellian....
It might be funny if he weren’t the leader of the free world.
Where in the would would he be inconspicuous?!?
But he did it with a wink and a smile...
Speaking of a waste of electricty...and oxygen.
I wish I could black out the last 40 years of Lions football. Consider yourself lucky, Calvin. Alcohol gets expensive!
I’m likely victim shaming...but CNN deserves what they get when they continue filling the bullshit 24 hour news cycle with admitted liars like Lewandowski, Guiliani, etc. They aren’t credible. Why put them on TV? Oh wait...don’t answer that.
Tom Coughlin looks like he scrubs his face with a pompous stone.
Gisele? Is that you? Go back to bed honey...I’m taking care of it all on Twitter.