
Good luck rural America. Donald Trump conned you into thinking he’s just like you. You wouldn’t be welcome at one of his golf courses....and you couldn’t afford to stay at one of his hotels. Keep chomping those opioids and hoping for the 1950's to come back. You are fucked. There will be no jobs and you’ve been fooled

It’s time to reach across the aisle...and punch someone in the fucking dentures.

No. I’m suggesting Beto just run as a Republican.

He’s a profoundly unserious human being.

I love this idea. The parade could end at the nearest Golden Corral where the final shaming takes place.

I love this idea. The parade could end at the nearest Golden Corral where the final shaming takes place.

I feel like there might be shards of a broken Keurig in your backyard.....a backyard watered with angry, already paid for Bud Light...and some green stained white Nike’s crosstrainers in the fire pit. It’s OK snowflake...winter is coming.

Incel commenters are the worst commenters.

She’s not my type.

You seriously believe and think and feel that the actual written report wasn’t ‘on the record,’ that it somehow doesn’t count unless he gets in front of the TV cameras and drones one endlessly for 30 minutes?

A fascist walks into a bar.....

Welp....looks like I’ll just have to tweet my way outta this again. Time for my 4 PM shit.

BE BEST greatest country on Earth.

Nice call on the greasy glasses. Perfect.

I’m lucky as well. My wife’s Dad is all in on MAGA...we have no plans of visiting ever again. It’s easy wtihout kids...he get’s a birthday card in the mail. It’s sad...but necessary. Can’t choose your family...but you can choose to walk away.

What’s your excuse?

Not my type

Who are the snowflakes again?

My first thought was: Public Access Baptist Preacher...or Winnebago enthusiast.

Don’t worry...they’ll let us tax payers buy a few more...while public education, infrastructure, and the citizens of this country get crushed like a stale Pall Mall. Burn it all down.