
Bring back the draft. It would solve 80% of the problem.

100%. I caught a video yesterday of him speaking to a crowd back in 2015....the decline in just the past 3 years is staggering. Also, he always shows his hand when he starts projecting his exact inadequcies on his opponents.

Civility over policy. Safety over privacy. The future is fucked.

The goatee & comb forward certainly aren’t helping his case.

So who’s in charge of wheeling him down to the Arts & Crafts room now that Hope Hicks is gone?

Remind me again who the snowflakes are? Truth and facts really upset these people....which is why one of the biggest conmen of our times is occupying the Oval Office.

Shouldn’t you be lighting your white Nike cross trainers on fire?

Looks like someone went to Texas public schools.

The prayer to Jesus is the cherry on top

I get ill from Jimmy Buffet’s music and I’m nowhere near the DR.

Truth is Kryptonite to these mother fuckers. Keep speaking the truth, AOC.

Happened to my Cousin at WMU! I was the only one in the family who didn’t go to her “store opening”. I got flamed, but was honest. I said I’d rather just give her $50 and let her do whatever she wants with it. Her Amway experience was of course a complete failure...I mean...after friends and the hell do

Countless illegal aliens not only violate our borders but then break the law all over again by skipping their court hearings and absconding from federal proceedings.

Finally...Calling all the unskilled, uneducated, opioid addicted white to work on Monday!

See...they’re always confusing being gay, with being a Catholic Priest. They’re completely different things.

His love of men. He blames his passionate life long love of other men on the power of the gay community.

I’m sure it has nothing to do with 78% of the country living paycheck to paycheck. Why would anyone ever spend 40K on what’s likely your second biggest asset...and it depreciates the second the ink is dry. If you have access to reliable public transit, or other means...why would you waste your money on a fucking car?

My guess is her egg count is about 4 based on that photo.

It’d be difficult to identify the differences between KAC and an old couch.

He looks like the dope at a poker table who pushed in his chips with 3 of a kind...and never saw the straight.