Do they ever bother to look out into the crowd and wonder why it’s all pink faces?
Do they ever bother to look out into the crowd and wonder why it’s all pink faces?
Don’t want to upset the advertisers!
I understand your point 100%...but I think at that moment, while most of the country was wasn’t something that could be spun in real time. It was so odd and creepy...I’m glad she spoke up immediately in this particular instance.
Sounds about right. I’m in the Detroit portion of the district which is heavily African-American but has started gentrifying over the past 3 years with all the Dan Gilbert employees (Dan Bots)...and Ford actually moving a portion of their workforce from Dearborn, to Corktown in Detroit. Dearborn and Detroit have…
Oh man...I’d love to know “where” in her district he lives. Would be interesting considering the district she represents is typically far far away from that type of rhetoric. That’s why we live here.
Make it a Blatz for me!
Oh Hai Jim Jordan!
Rashida’s performance yesterday was the exact reason I voted for her. She really is representing her constituents. Keep it up. They are indeed motherfuckers.
The guy behind him must go to the same barber
I can’t see the members asking the questions from the live stream I’m watching...but I know when a Republican is asking the questions because they either sound like a complete hick or a whiny closet case.
...and he finally achieved that by winning the Presidency!
Even 45's tiny, tiny little sausage hands could choke out that size 12 neck.
Is she from Maryland?
Telling a bunch of people over 65 and Incels to keep having kids seems like a tough task.
Eh boy....another Love It, or Leave It proponent. Figures.
Trump shows how out of touch he is with America by the simple fact he watched the Oscars.
If the son was really brave...he’d tell pops to 86 that fucking hairdo.
Exactly. Every HS history text book should be accompanied by some Howard Zinn. Open some eyes and brains.
Nice to see Fox News bringing in the kids with some John Wayne references. I’m so fucking glad these dinosaurs are rapidly becoming extinct. Hats off to my 70 year old parents who are nothing like many of their peers.