
“nah nah” you won? That makes no sense. But an idiot tourist influenced by a stupid billboard probably voted for Trump and other assoholes. Mission accomplished?

fuck that guy in the tank top.

It’s like an orange asshole sun surrounded by little white asshole planets and moons....

I’ll be honest...I never knew there were college yearbooks until all this stuff started coming to light. Hey here’s a picture book with 15K people you may have seen on campus. I’m guessing the people who participated and purchased said college yearbooks were the same dickheads who never left high school behind.

They’ve got us all fighting each other for the scaps as they sit back and profit from the carnage. 50% of the country is too stupid to see what’s happening.

White fascists don’t seem to mind because they believe they’re rights won’t be infringed. The definition of privilege.

You’d kinda have to if you’ve agreed to work for him. That’s the plan.

I’ve seen Trump’s shitty golf game...and he really is the Bogeyman.


The same law nerds that declared corporations are people? Yeah...they’re fucking ghouls. Just leave it at that.

Did he get that oversized coat as a parting gift from Trump?

I loved Casey in his short stint with the Tigers on that magical 2006 run. Best memories? Getting thrown out at first from left field....and having the wheels stolen off his Jeep hours after arriving at Detroit City Airport. Good times!

+1 if you bring the earlier Lifter Puller stuff...and some pork rinds.

Exactly what I was thinking. Who gives a shit if he’s “declared” or not. He ran a great Senate campaign and my guess is that if he decides to run for President....he has a plan for that as well.

We could test that theory. Start by burning down Mar-a-Lago....

Yeah.....there’s no such thing as a corporate robot.

Spot on.

Look no further than the complete buffoon occupying the Oval Office. That’s how dumb the average American is. It’s scary to think that about 100 million people think this is just fine.

I do. Just not with hypocritical assholes.

I’m stunned that anyone goes to church in the year 2019.