Greg Klein

“I like this dude he make me feel better about not letting that black man buy a car from my dealership...well shit I deny them all. Good dude.”

How dare you criticize a company run by a man selifsh enough to make Paypal and tolerate how shitty it is to just about everyone who gets in a five mile radius of it.

“Today showed me I wasn’t good enough at hiding my cheating and all I can say is woops”

“we need more flavor” is definitely what I say when a group needs diversity.

Sorry, but if DuckDuckGo users get confused and type in instead, perhaps they deserve to just use Google.

Might be able to find a women only Fortnite clan or something. 

We are so isolated these days...I really don’t foresee a future in which we’re not all strapped into VR and having fake lives inside while our bodies waste away. These people are thinking playing with women is some sort of equivalent to having a real life female friend?

I didn’t read the entire article and maybe I’m

Local Idiot Gives Company His Money, Then Regrets It and Begs For It Back.

Yeah, casinos are a scam too right? You give them your money and then you lose it! How are they still legal!?


I selfishly wish they would do another support hero even though I know they’ve already given us plenty. 

Jesus, it’s like they are so desperate for news they are mildly encouraging doxxing his entire family so that they can report on THAT.

*in Griffin McElroy’s voice*


I have been playing since D1 launch and I HATE this new system. I would much rather only keep the rewards they are offering from the factions and completely throw out the renown system. Just give us coins based on how long we play or what activites we do. Raid? 80 tokens. Nightfall? 8 tokens. Public event? 4 tokens.

I think I got a headache from trying to read that color coded table.

I always forget to leave this running in the background and lose out on those precious coins :(

I never found the nade throw back thing that annoying in my brief time with the game. If the fans of this series enjoy it for simulating real SWAT warfare so well, it seems kind of funny they would whine about a feature that would be a serious issue in live combat.

For those who still play, is this worth playing? Is it similar to Destiny where you have fun playing with friends but it feels like a tedious grind if you’re going solo?

We usually get just the tip with Kirby.

Huh, I had no idea they actually released that Mario and Luigi update.

OH LAWD. I follow Sombra’s VA but didn’t know Symm’s had a Youtube too.