Greg Klein

Is it ethical to make a slot machine that requires thousands of spins to pay for the cost of using it? Time is money.

I don’t always collect stuff that gathers dust, but when I do, it’s Metroid shit.

Whose lunch do I have to buy to get hired at Kotaku? 

Nintendo: “we want to make pokemon EVEN MORE accessible”

Game Freak: “that is not possible.”

Nintendo of Japan: “Do it.”

I tend to have a more cynical perspective when it comes to playing games I used to play as a kid. Games like this are popular because lonely kids can sink 100s of hours into it. But should we be designing games that don’t respect people’s time? Is it ethical to make a game that isn’t beaten until you sink weeks of

How about down with roads designed only for cars and pedestrians?

The original title of this article was, “I Sure Hope You Finished RDR2 By Now Because We’re About To Spoil It Via The Article Photo”

Why did they have to make Pokemon even easier :[  

I don’t know. I think saying “most twitch chats” or “most discords” are friendly is a lie. Sure, if the discord or twitch chat has 15 people, they will behave themselves because everyone knows each other and they don’t wanna get banned. If the discord or twitch chat has 1,000 viewers, the mods will be slamming down

Cannot wait to get home and read this :P  Warioware > any other “mini-game game”

Uh...I was making those accusations to YouTube and Twitch because people like this guy are raking in cash on Twitch despite being dickish in their chat, in their social media, etc. Maybe not to men, but to anyone else who isn’t. Just look at PewDiePie. Logan Paul. Hell, one YouTube couple had their home invaded by

I was recently shouted at in all caps by mods and server owners of a fighting game community chat channel because someone was saying “these bitches and thots” when talking about female fighting game characters. I called it out because their first rule was to not harass people (it was very vague). They said I was

I was not saying whoever this jerkhole is did exactly this. If what I said made you uncomfortable and angry, that is more likely something that needs to be ironed out on your end, not mine.

Hey I may be white and have some racist tendencies, but I try to be accepting :(

I know you were probably doing a goof. That’s the great thing about text chat. It makes it so obvious what someone’s tone and body language were when they said that! Oh, to be young again when people actually met up in person to hang out. 

Man doesn’t go out much.

Man only talks to other white men who don’t go outside much.

Men agree on almost everything because they were raised in a culture where men get away with oppressing and abusing women and women are victims of this who have few ways of making this illegal activity punishable and talked about by

I imagine some profit-obsessed CFO of an AAA publisher reading this and getting a headache. “Wait, you mean...we give something away for profit...and that helps the game make MORE money later?”

*clutches head and screams in terror while brain implodes into a black hole*

Anyone who was alive in the EARLY 90s

I liked the way they wrote and portrayed MJ, but I found those sections to be really boring and made the pacing of the game grind to a halt. They could probably do a better job the second time around--and I haven’t beaten the game yet--but the only clever section with her was the Grand Central Station scene imo.

Seems like Epic is pocketing most of the cash there. Isn’t 10,000 v bucks $100? How many creators would make more than that? Seems to be catering to the most talented, experienced designers while leaving newbies out in the cold. 

I love AC games (Origin was without a doubt my favorite), but I just don’t have time to play these games anymore. I thought AC Origins was going to be over—then it took a left turn and added 5-10 more hours to the game. I don’t want long games, Ubi. I want SHORT, CONCENTRATED games.

Every incel needs to watch the first scene from The Social Network. These people are so self-absorbed and sensitive that they refuse to consider the fact that maybe THEIR actions are harmful and prejudiced and outdated. No, it must be everyone else who’s to blame. They harass and dox victims while acting like a victim