Greg Klein

If you press the start button after the guide button it will let you pick how long you want to record for (or how much you want to grab of the last x number of minutes.)

Most rich immigrants tend to forget they are immigrants. See: JonTron

I hope this guy’s fall is fast and painful.

The only time I run into rude people like that is comp.

I play pretty much nothing but Mercy and Lucio...but I guess people don’t mind having a healer ;)

I am going to design the shit outta some campsites.

Damn, that’s a decent translation.

The only glitches I saw was a tipped over boat and a few NPCs who randomly disappeared.

Yeah, I don’t think I like her quite as much as Mercy or Lucio but she’s fun.

Yep, she is Irish.

This all seems like good improvements except those Ghosts...they look like Calus sat on them.

I’m surprised it took them this long to change her ult. I liked playing Mercy, but she didn’t seem as useful as Lucio so I switched.

Tacoma is fairly stress free..?

I only know what they are because I sell them at the gas station I work at.

We got to the final boss but couldn’t put much damage on him. Gonna try again tomorrow.

Me too. I love the art style.

Destiny and Metroid are the only ones I’ll buy.

Better to have let Miyamoto see you tuggin at some trousers than to have never seen him at all.

I can’t even think of what I would spend $50 on in the Switch shop.

I can’t even think of what I would spend $50 on in the Switch shop.

I hope this plays well with the pro controller.