Sounds like it’s time for you to get some better friends. I doubt that guy even likes himself, much less anyone else.
Sounds like it’s time for you to get some better friends. I doubt that guy even likes himself, much less anyone else.
Probably won’t get my Oculus for til May or so, but Dark Souls 3 and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst should keep me busy!
“I cheat every game. No big deal.”
Love reading Kotaku articles like this. Also loved the Destiny and Silicon Knights ones. More of this, please!
Yay, another game that focuses on brutally murdering people.
(Actually excited to try this out.)
“I’m sorry I did a stupid thing. Now please give me a new 3DS cuz I wrote you a cute letter.”
Calling something useless isn’t constructive, and if you think it is, you have no idea what constructive criticism is.
Thank you for reporting about stuff like this. It inspires me to do the same :)
He’s black, so he’s going to talk about lack of racial diversity. If they had a transgender host, that person would talk about the lack of transgender representation in films. You can’t ask one person to be some cultural savior.
If you play PC games and you refuse to even own a gamepad or use it for certain games, you’re doing it wrong. No, the gamepad isn’t some toy for console peasants. It’s the ideal way to play a lot of games, especially games that were clumsily ported from consoles such as Dark Souls. If a game supports gamepads and I…
Maybe try reading my entire comment where I say “I don’t condone this practice” before rushing off to write an angry reply.
Expecting someone to read the entirety of a post no matter how short is asking too much these days, apparently.
Fool Gaben once, shame on him. Fool Gaben twice, you’re fired.
Who are you, and why did you come in here to post a comment about something you seem actively hostile toward?
If you’re rude to your employer repeatedly, it’s not their fault they fired you. It’s yours, because you’re a jerk and you shift the blame onto others when someone points out that you aren’t a professional.
Discord is better.
If I was the head of a company that had to deal with whiny, entitled gamers every day, I’d probably speak that frankly, too.
Love those videos. If I could get a degree in video game history, I would.
I’ll take Dark Souls III or Persona 5 over FF XV any day. But I guess Japanese gamers love those time sinks...
I would easily put Gone Home, The Stanley Parable, or The Beginner’s Guide in place of KRZ. I haven’t played the last act of it which I’ve heard is the one that is at least slightly coherent, but my time with that game convinced me that studio has a lot of learning to do before they tell a story that I’m interested in…