
I can't, you're right but I still hate him. Also, Reds fan so I'm a bit biased

I hate the Cardinals, but more specifically I hate Molina. Jesus God I hate that dude. Sweet neck tats. I wish that one batter will walk up to home plate and just crack his face. That's all.

says the guy with a pager.

Yup it was Dom

Fair enough, I can see that. I just kind of took it at face value and thought it was at least an entertaining guy flick. But I'm also a fan of Strange Wilderness, so there's that

Here's the official transcript:

Really? Just curious why people are hating on it so much? I'm not in love with it, but thought it was decent.

Eye see what you did there

Yea right it didn't happen. It's all part of a much bigger plan

Love me some Cat Latos!

or Shannon Sharpe

These two are a couple of boobs amiright?!

Jesus, trim your nails.

I work at a for profit school, aaaaannnd we'll still take em'. The worst, I know.

30 seconds in, I thought, "cool".
Shortly thereafter I became extremely annoyed.

I currently live in Columbus, and I love everything about this post!

As a single guy I always get kinda miffed when I see a pretty girl with a nerd. God I'm pathetic



Can we discuss this Jessie Palmer situation ? Dear God he's awful. He talks so damn much, he just never stops and never talks about an actually play. Also, sweet pointy ears