Here’s a Leasehackr article on how to Lease an Encore for $135/month:
Here’s a Leasehackr article on how to Lease an Encore for $135/month:
Being able to buy a car and have it shipped to your home in a box like this would be awesome! Pretty sure any future Chinese cars would come with a billion wire ties and enough anti-theft security measures that unpacking it would take two days though.
Cars & Coffee has been banned from meeting in the parking lot of the former PAG headquarters, which now serves as the main offices of Taco Bell.
If anyone had the right to quit whenever he wanted to, it was Barry.
My Joe Theismann avatar’s leg keeps glitching.
That redefines “low baller.”
He knows what he has.
Are you......................offering?
So lemme get this right. The Post Office creates a service that I am positive not a lot of people know about, that makes us even more susceptible to scammers!? I know and care for several elderly people and I have had several instances fighting back the wolves. So at first glance, this is infuriating.
HD has had over 100 years to figure out how to run a profitable business. At this point, everything they do should be making them money. They aren’t debuting new tech nor radically updating their designs every year.
Thank you, the people riding around on Harley’s just strike me as the biggest pricks, seriously Boomer I see you on your bike no need to rev the throttle and burst my ear drums. Full disclosure I’m Gen X, but I agree with you 100%.
This is an insightful and well researched article. Thank you.
Another thing us “millennials” (love how that’s Become a derogatory term) dislike about Harley’s: They’re fucking loud and obnoxious. I get it, I get it. “Gotta be loud so you can hear me coming!” Really? Because I can hear the crotch rocket coming up behind me just fine, and I don’t feel his exhaust note in my ball…
Indeed! Loved the article so much I actually plan on reading it later. (This is not sarcasm, I don’t have the time to read it full right now.
Fantastic piece, Erik.
Proof that a company can’t survive financially just on cosplay.
Don’t you go exposing my ignorance online. That’s not how this works.
The seller doesn’t understand the concept of treating the car with Armor-All.
it’s the automotive equivalent of a baby with a full diaper...