
The 1955 Thunderbird looked like a Chevy. The auto industry is rife with design stealing, which is why some Jalops were offended by the leaked image of the new Porsche 911.

Have you measured the exhaust gasses coming out of Fred when he drives that thing? It’s enough to choke a Brontosaurus!

This is a big beef of mine. Before the Firestone-Ford scandal, you could swap out OEM tires for anything you wanted at the time of purchase, and it would only cost anything over the OEM tire cost, not even installation. Now, you’re stuck. Because of some crappy liability excuse, no one wants to buy the brand new tires

I was at a bar when a guy excitedly started, “So I went on this blind date at a barn,.....” That’s when I interrupted him, looked him in the eye and said, “Dave, that was a sheep.”

He’s breaking the fourth wall! Somebody STOP him!

If you want one of these for retirement, you’d better start buddying up to Harry now. (Although there are a number of them out there, people cherish all of them that run.)

That 5 speed is the ‘special sauce’ for fun!

I’ve been suspicious of the terms “clean coal” and “clean diesel”. They sound like marketing terms. Perhaps my instincts are not all cynicism.

When I bought my Mazda in 2014, the salesman was griping about how there was space designed in the engine compartment for the diesel, but it wasn’t sold here. Good thing Mazda doesn’t listen to guys like him.

Turning a flying vehicle will cause you to lose some altitude. A large number of fatal plane crashes result from pilots trying to turn at low altitudes after takeoff. I suspect that vehicle is even less maneuverable than a common airplane. His decision to go straight was correct. Another foot of altitude and they

I agree that every runup should be done after testing the engine at full power, but I suspect they didn’t want the dune buggy kicking debris into the propeller, or ropes tangling in the propeller. They should have at least done a full power test before moving, though. If you can’t do that, the design is flawed.

“...they give the interior the look of a lamb chop abattoir.”

A week or two ago, David mentioned that the staff is no longer allowing him to use Jeep as his go-to answer.

But you aren’t paying for the rider. You’re paying for real estate. You’re paying to reduce road crowding, to get to work sooner, and to have more parking when you get there.

No, you don’t put on long gloves that way.

I was a tourist driving in the Houston area, and the public highway turned ‘private pass only’ with very little warning and poor signage. (It didn’t say, “Exit here’, it said, “Exit here for road such and such”.) I exited as soon as I figured it out. Damn notice in the mail threatened to impound my car if I didn’t pay

Every person on that bus is one less car in front of you and one less parking space for which you need to fight.

IF that money is actually used on infrastructure. Politicians will raid any budget they can once the doors are closed to the public.

I see the misbehaving kids are not shown on the front of the box. Good move for Monogram. Mom’s preview some purchases.

It IS a manual, and black is just a very dark shade of brown.....