
I’ll just buy it with my tax refund. What? My taxes went UP?? Someone LIED to me!!

Not to mention you can actually see out of them. People are going ape-shit over modern hatchback/crossover rears, but the blind spots are huge compared to a 1990 or earlier sedan.

Buy it, and then LS-swap it! What? Oh, wrong car.

So people waste money bribing themselves and others with lavish lifestyles, and they plea down to filing a false tax retrun. Is it just me, or does that mean they still made a profit on this scam? To me, activity like this is similar to embezzling, but I guess white collar crimes are still taken less seriously. Or

 I know a guy in Michigan who also has a pair of rusty Sonnetts. Maybe you’re right, and they do come in pairs.

Yeah, but I’m going to lose sleep over this. (Okay, not much sleep.)

Even after saying that, dozens of yahoos are going to screw up their local streams and rivers by trying this. Too bad.

Only the ones who are still in business. That’s capitalism for you.

He finally decided to buy a decent sleeping bag. That comment really worried me. No one should choose a minimalist life without a proper sleeping bag. Oversights like that might kill him someday.

Where does that 356 get its engine cooling? That image brings up so many questions.

Companies choose the latest, “hot garbage” because the anti-malware updates will be supported longer by the vendor. I was talked into a Windows 10 laptop using that logic, and still am trying to figure out how it thinks.

Two private owners and a trade-in lot all neglected to sign that title. I can see the trade-in lot, but it’s still likely that these people don’t have licenses or something.

My dad told stories about how guys at work would steal sprinklers or lawn ornaments and then brag about it at work. Some people are just asshats.

The small companies who care are bought up by bloated companies without any useful ideas of their own. Sometimes with the sold purpose of killing that company before it becomes competitive. Capitalism is broken.

In my case, it was a text message out of the blue. The ‘99 Windstar minivan we sold in 2014 was supposedly impounded for parking issues, and none of the 3 subsequent owners had signed over the title, but left my signed version in the glovebox. The person claimed the police would not release it to them, since their

Not to mention that 60 months is no longer a ‘new’ car, and people will need to start shelling out for repairs.

The medical droid couldn’t perform an ultrasound to figure out she was pregnant with twins, either, so that really could fly. Those things could dip you in a healing tank and replace your limbs with robotics, but they seem to be missing a large bit of programming.

I occasionally push 5-shelf chrome carts (18"x60") on wheels down the hallway at work with old equipment on it. Doesn’t matter how new the cart or how smooth the floor, those things go all over the place! I can’t imaging trying that with something as heavy as a car and irregular as a driveway! Respect!

You’d think there would be a “slow down” horn or beep or something. A simple, auditory warning will help when it is known that the human brain occasionally tunes out when not actively engaged.

UPDATE: Wired has an article explaining that driver assist software is programmed to ignore stationary objects. This makes sense in many ways.