
How long do you let it idle before you drive to the fitness center 2 miles away to walk on the treadmill?

Did you mis-type and add a “not bad” instead of “bad to put stress on an engine” (that hasn’t warmed-up)?

Looks like an Extra EA500.

We also have drive-through funerals, because..... Okay I have no idea why someone wants to sit in their car and hear audio of a funeral. Don’t want to see the relatives?

With that trunk hanging way out back, it will be easy to put weight on those rear wheels. I’m not betting on very long tire life, though.

What? No formula for large engines versus smaller engines? I remember going from a 1.6L I4 to a 3.0L V6 and the warmup time was significantly longer! Of course it also retained heat a lot longer, for those 1 hour trips to the store.

Sometimes that comment just seems old and lame. Not this time.

I use expired AAA insurance cards, although used Amazon gift cards match my car’s black paint and interior, so I’ve recently switched.

I hope you’re joking. I don’t see any sarcasm font.

Even decent all-season tires will go a long way! (Make sure they have been rated as good on snow and ice, though. Don’t buy any old “all season” tires from Walmart.)

Yes! Both of those colors are definitely better!

Some people like the idea of a car so much, that they support it even if it’s a big gamble. Maybe they think that if it doesn’t work out, parting it out would recoup the cost. I’m just guessing. I’ve found myself rooting for sentimental cars which I would never actually buy. This is why I abstain from emotional votes.

55k for service? From the comments around here that sounds about right. ;-)

Yes, but the tone would be different. I seem to remember an article when “The American” was announced.

I’m just glad it’s not silver. That color has been SO overdone on the DB5. That deep red is refreshing, even if it may not be optimal.

I sold my ‘89 SHO to buy my Mom’s ‘93. I felt bad when I realized I bitched over the phone how “those bean counters took the edge off the handling of the SHO”. In the end, I liked the ‘93 better. I’d like to drive a gen1 again, someday. It would be a rattle-trap, though.

Not much to report here, although I DID take my 1989 Taurus SHO to the brickyard to fill it with possibly a thousand pounds of retaining wall bricks. The tarp over the leather rear seats did their job! The yard worker called it the Taurus Half-Ton, so he’d seen similar in the past.

Ah! I’m feeling a bit foolish, now. You seem to have thought this through more than I have.

With the Vector still sitting in the dealer parking lot.

I REALLY want to see a NP/CP convertible snow plow for consideration! Wait, the Jeep already fits that category.