That was my first thought. People don’t know how to check their oil level and tire pressure, or use a map. One in 10 people can’t even bring themselves to look at the road while driving. (Thanks, cell phones!)
That was my first thought. People don’t know how to check their oil level and tire pressure, or use a map. One in 10 people can’t even bring themselves to look at the road while driving. (Thanks, cell phones!)
After driving that Fiat, I can see anyone looking at a go-cart and thinking, “That looks safe-enough.”
“...rowing through the gears feels like stirring a spoon in a bag of sand...”
The stainless steel on that coffin is a nice touch, but a tad too shiny for a Delorean.
Which unfortunately didn’t catch the minivan, who ran the red light ahead of him.
Is this the same kid who never unwrapped his Star Wars action figures? I like to keep things in good condition, but this is extreme even by my standards.
That does look good in blue.
I found it! It’s right- Oh, my bad. It’s just Waldo. Wa’sup Waldo?
I wish I could give you 10 stars for that. (And I wish someone in Auto regulations would listen.)
The problem with ‘central AC’ is that it stops working when you stop moving at traffic lights, stop signs, and the inevitable traffic jams. There’s also a solar heat gain issue.
That can’t be a real doughnut demonstration. There are actual barriers instead of a ring of defenseless people. The whole thing is staged!
Each Roush signature is worth another 1/4hp.
Maybe they have a very specific hearing loss at that frequency.
My buddy borrowed his dad’s 2M6 for us to go to an INXS concert in high school. Even as a car enthusiast, I remember very little about it aside from the good looks from outside. No engine grunt, forgettable interior, and....meh. As much as I love the idea of the Fiero, the platform just isn’t a sports car.
Read the linked article on Skyactive X. More HP and better mileage. Too good to be true? We’ll see.
Yeah, I think I’d prefer the driving experience of the GT4 over the 348 or 360. I so badly want to see on in person. Photos with people next to them really help put them into perspective. Like the Lambo Espada, people don’t realize how low they are.
Can’t....see...CAR! Chrome too BRIGHT!!!!
If you’re driving this to dinner, I recommend keeping peanuts or granola in the glove box, just in case dinner is late.
A Dino GT4? That’s one Ferrari-built automobile I’d consider buying. (Short of a massive windfall, in which case I’d consider a 288 or the baby Dino.)
With only seven made, that’s quite the unicorn sighting! (I love how they are all different colors, so you can really just say “It was the blue one.” and you’re being 100% accurate.