
side profile makes me think of Pagani... Huryaheauhea

Maybe it’s just because I’ve been a fan of Audi for a long time, not necessarily to FANBOY! levels mind you, but I thought it looked great from day 1. I’d be willing to be I wasn’t the only one.

Yes, they hit it with a hammer. We’re waiting for the report.

Fuck these NFL highlight tweets. Almost every single one requires following links that open three different browser windows before I can actually watch the clip on my phone. No highlight is worth that hassle.

Top Gear for its honesty? What Top Gear show have you been watching? Top Gear with the old trio was well known for many mistakes or out right lies all in the name of good fun for the show.

Were doomed either way... so theres that..

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

It’s five o’clock somewhere.

Wow. They already have one QB who can’t stand up; why add another?

As much as we hate our elected officials, we also seem strangely reluctant to ask very much of them, lest someone

Usually, it involves pushing an old person in a wheelchair into the deep end. It’s an acquired taste.

Wow, that’s fucked up. He made a mistake, sure, but he doesn’t deserve to have his basketballs ruined.

For those of us with only the most cursory “knowledge” of boxing (that is, it is one of those sports we mostly only watch when it’s on during the Olympics), was the decision bad? Is there widespread agreement from knowledgeable boxing fans/commentators/pundits that it was a bad decision?

However, VW engineering manager Hans Arschloch told Austria’s Motorung that cheat mode was an accidental—if fortuitous—discovery made while testing out the TDI’s twin-clutch (DSG) front-wheel-drive system. Arschloch explained:


Also, congratulations to republican and businesswoman, Carly Fiorina, who just cut the overhead of the Cruz campaign by 100%. That’s how you turn around a company!


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“Virtual television: reality’s woist nightmare.”

I'm from the south so I know how devastating it is getting the clap from cousins.