
side profile makes me think of Pagani... Huryaheauhea

Maybe it’s just because I’ve been a fan of Audi for a long time, not necessarily to FANBOY! levels mind you, but I thought it looked great from day 1. I’d be willing to be I wasn’t the only one.

Well considering that it’s actually illegal to offer different pay scales for men and women then those who actually do pay women less (if any, I hardly think they’d get away with it these days) should be brought out into the open instead of tarring the entire wage system with the same brush.

Wow, a whopping 2% difference. That’s certainly statistically relevant enough to prove systemic sexism... /s

I respond like this because it’s a myth that’s been thoroughly debunked for years yet people still believe it. I was polite the first thousand times. Now it’s time to insult them for their stupidity.

For fuck’s sake Novak... There’s no such thing as a fucking wage gap. Women DO NOT earn less than men for equal work, you dumbass. Women typically make less overall because they tend to choose careers that don’t pay as well. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and research a topic instead of spouting

It’s not a war. It’s working with people we sometimes disagree with to accomplish common goals for the benefit of society. If politicians could learn to do that, the country would be much better off.

It’s gimmicky because it’s a gimmick with limited usefulness. It’s complex because it adds complexity to the engineering of the device, not to the use. Your usefulness is limited. I’m not saying it’s not useful to you, just that it’s limited.

Yet it’s safer than any alternative (Including wind and solar). Yes, radiation is scary and all, but the fact is that Nuclear power has fewer fatalities per watt-hour than any other source. If nuclear isn’t safe enough for you, nothing is.

Yes, they hit it with a hammer. We’re waiting for the report.

Fuck these NFL highlight tweets. Almost every single one requires following links that open three different browser windows before I can actually watch the clip on my phone. No highlight is worth that hassle.

Top Gear for its honesty? What Top Gear show have you been watching? Top Gear with the old trio was well known for many mistakes or out right lies all in the name of good fun for the show.

So really it should say “Guy retires as planned”.

Were doomed either way... so theres that..

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

yup. the ptsd triggers part mad eme laugh. I am 100000% for women who feel uncomfortable in the work place for valid reasons, and this may not be the whole story, so I don’t want to say she sucks, but if this is the only incident, or this is how it usually plays out, this woman strikes me as the mom at the PTA who

Gunning straight for that HR settlement no doubt. I read it more as a pop culture reference joke than a rape joke.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

Freak accidents at filling stations do happen.

I shouldn’t need a fucking adapter to plug my headphones into my phone. That’s not adding functionality, it’s adding complexity, and for no good fucking reason.