
That is the exact same thing that popped into my head. I was just too lazy to go grab the picture for it.

It was suppose to be two different generations of the Porsche 911; must have messed up the picture.


Matt Foley approves this answer

I don't think he meant it as if OU's crazy wings are not active aero, simply that they have the sexiest looking implementation with their "crazy wing" approach.

Very simple.... Most girls aren't car nuts. Don't spend a fortune on an exotic when something like this will surely do just fine. Just make sure it has aftermarket wheels of any sort and stupid nav and you're set.

that is fantastic.

Just don't forget to order the soup of the day.

Sooo.... not safe?

Agreed! I have stared at pictures of this for sooo long.

I think everyone is way off.... I would love to see the automatic transmission in a museum because when I think museum I think "things of the past that are no longer relevant". And how nice would that be?

No surprises here....

Cartman likes the sound of that.

I saw one a few months back. It was either a Ford Escape or Explorer that rear ended the semi. The fiancee and I had quite the somber drive after we noticed the large tarp covering the front of the car... Very scary stuff.

Definitely can't get enough of this car right now.

I'm guessing the McLaren wasn't quite old enough to make it to the list. Give it another 20 - 30 years and i bet it will stand the test of time.

Same thing has always happened to me. Editing text works fine, but try to change the image and it won't happen....

It keeps the turboencabulator from stalling out at extreme high and low g forces (ie standstill and high speed drift).

It could not have been too hard to fit a 125 - 600cc motorcycle engine in the back with a belt/chain drive to the wheels. Those engine are so tiny and self contained! Hell a go cart engine that only lets it go 14 mph would have been ok.

I couldn't agree more.