
"Oh, don't worry! I leave a Prius at home, with the engine 'on', to balance the gases out. It will be fine!"

A lot of manufacturing goes into a car. My thought has always been, go for a small gas/tdi vehicle if you are worried about fuel efficiency.

Got a perfect story for you:


I just keep coming back to mustang....

Like others have mentioned, it doesn't many things, each in a mediocre fashion. He should have just focused one or two uses, rather than 4 or 5.

Anything with voice control/activation. Such a waste. If what you are doing is too complicated or takes to long to do with your own hand quickly and safely, then you shouldn't be trying to do it while driving. Plus that shit is annoying and distracting and seems to never work, further distracting yourself from the

I was going to do the exact same thing! only with this!

I second that

The DB7, with its six cylinder engine

Ah yes, an upgraded alternator would seem quite essential.

I thought some actually had upgraded engine cooling, larger radiator etc... Still nothing crazy though.

Now for my vote that is related to something physical.

This isn't really a physical property, but an important one none the less.

How one of those guys days must have gone down:

That, or maybe it was previously set up to handle an appropriately sized rear wheel.

Google buys it. Tries to dominate the social networking scene, or whatever it's called in 2-5 years. Still fails. Switches the farm over to Google searching/Android cloud stuff.

Talk about a hot car!

This will not be a Top 10, simply the first ten #1s you see.

I really like the side blades, especially when its not the same color as the body; that is to say, when it is done right. This one, not done right.