
Hang on a sec... If the swimmers travel at 2.39 millimeters every thousandth of a second, that means they travel 2.39 centimeters in a hundredth of a second.... so if the pool’s tolerances are +/- 3 centimeters, couldn’t a win by one hundredth of a second still be an artifact of the pool dimensions? What am I missing?

Not really fair. Simmons wrote a book in which he ranked the greatest players of all time. Of his top 10, 2 were white—Larry Bird and Jerry West. He ranked Kobe #8, versus Nash #36 and Nowitzki #39. He recently said Lebron’s only remaining competition for GOAT consists of MJ and Russell. He lionizes Tim Dunaan (#7), a

The Browns disband themselves every year, so no one else needs to worry about it.