Greg Franklin

It’s a genre. If the Rolling Stones put out a new album tomorrow, it’s classic rock.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I’d rather spend all day hanging out at a Russell/Ciara Instagram shoot than meet ANY of these mulleted simpletons.

Second on the Amora! I’ve tried more expensive brands like Maille but honestly, I kind of like how straightforward Amora is. Annoyingly, because it’s the “cheap” French mustard it’s sometimes a little hard to find because it’s not worth importing.

Your point is solid; you could’ve also mentioned the cookie cutter mascots, cookie cutter promotions (Star Wars Night, again?), and the cookie cutter stunt food at the concession stand. All consultant-driven, all with about as much “local” feel as a movie multiplex. MiLB is big business and it’s being managed like one.

Except they’ve already scammed all the pro parks and now they’ve moved on to the minor leagues. “Yay, I get to go see a brand new, cookie-cut stadium in Columbia South Carolina! It’ll be just like the brand new, cookie-cut stadium in Stockton California! I also can’t wait for the new, cookie-cut stadiums to be build

*other former Cowboy’s QB, Troy Aikman.

The Clippers though suffered from not only the move, but from having one of the worst owners in all of sports. Since then, they have become a hometown team. Being second-fiddle to the Lakers is not the worst thing in the world, given the history of the Laker franchise. Most LA teams need to do well to sell well,

My take on Windhorst, after having watched him thirstily chase LeBron James around since he was 14 years old: Windhorst is essentially the nerdy kid in school who desperately wants to be friends with the jocks and cool kids, so he does their homework for them, and the cool kids let him hang around while mostly

Ironic since the average age difference between couples in the real world is 2-3 years. Do these men know how math actually works?

Yeah I remember that sliver of hope when it looked like Seattle would bog Bennett and McLendon down in litigation long enough to screw up their attempt to move the team to OKC. All it did was magnify my crushing disappointment when the city settled. We live in a country where rich people like this can act with

Pujols is toiling out the last few years of his career in relative obscurity, racking up Fine Season after Fine Season

Same. I really love this movie. It’s sorta nostalgia but also kinda not since I have no problem cutting films I loved but no longer like out of my life forever. 

This is Deadspin at its worst. Can’t find anything to write about? Just spew 100 terribly misguided words of snark.

By Billy Haisley

I’ll listen to Rome from time to time on my way home from work for about a segment or two. This is basically Parody Larry’s schtick, and then Rome usually goes on for about ten minutes about why he runs/dislikes the schtick, then invariably he’ll call and get on again.

When asked what substance Suarez was on at the time of the arrest, baffled police offered, "Heck, wine?"

As the guy who edits Pac-12 Network's basketball games into syndicated form for later airings, this game may take me a while since I might get distracted into watching it without doing my job. What a dandy of a game.