
Great article. sucks about the battery life though. I was hoping it would get at least 12 of the claimed 15 hours. For it to only get 6 is pathetic. Maybe something was wrong with the battery?

There is a better way. Buy a fake Christmas tree!

Nice! I want!

In this day and age, at least here in the US, there is no reason to hunt wild animals for food. I agree that most hunters do it for "fun" and the "thrill" of it.

I've only had mine for a day but so far Im liking it. Yes it's big especially coming from the stick of gum display of the iPhone 5 but it's not so big that's it's unwieldy. I took some video of my sons football game and it turned out amazing. This phone will replace my iPhone 5 and iPad mini.

i'm pretty much in the same boat. Got galaxy s5 after using iPhones for the last 4 or 5 years. apple IS boring.

$30 ea. that's about 10x more expensive then T-8 bulbs. The latest T-8 bulbs are quite efficient at 32watts and are rated for 30,000 hours.

Whether you think Snowden is a traitor or not he did the world a favor by uncovering the truth to the extent that the NSA has gone. The NSA is operating without any real oversight. No checks or balances. I'm sorry but the folks in congress and government in general have no idea what IP addresses, metadata, fiber optic

Google or any other vendor maintaining the encryption keys? what a joke. you may as well have no encryption. They should at least give user the option of maintaining and being responsible for it themselves.